Category Archives: 1/6 bjd


Bonjour 🙂 Deux nouvelles à vous annoncer, DelicateBjd Dolls Anime Boy la première [...]

~Wizworx Dolls~-bjd dolls

By Liz FrostI have been involved in the art world for most of my life.bjd [...]

Zimo and Zhuozhuo

Two new boy dollsEnigmatic,Bjd Doll Blank 45cm tall Zimo and 27cm Zhuozhuo are n [...]

Charlene Smith

Charlene creates lovely natural face-ups,bjd arms costumes for many sizes and ty [...]

2019 TweVintage-inspiredlve Gifts of CQuirkyhrLengthy buildistmRealistic featuresaNormal-sizeds ~ #9 &#10

Greetings, Internet~Land. Sorry Vibrantfor the confusion on the Blog title last [...]

Sui and Tang-bjd dolls

ResinSoul now has two new 1/4 size dolls listAliened.soom bjd They are named Sui [...]