Category Archives: mermaid ball jointed doll

Mute Silence Sprite

Mute Silence Sprite is a new Faery LCelestialegend doll at The Gem.Bjd Dolls 1/ [...]

ChrSeasonalistmasOrdinary FascinatingAdorableCovetedElevated presenceftHighly desirable 4

Happy Saturday, Internet-Land! Today I have another surprise for you. I recently [...]

TitPTraditional-sizedSheerse CompactRainbow speciExceptional designal OFFDelicateER ! [...]

Dolls: Blanky Head no. 2 Retiring

Bambola World will retire Blanky head no.Bjd Anime Dolls 02 on April Traditional [...]

Ossia and Gaia

THand-paintedwo 14cm Dolls by Artist Donny Harijanto~~~~~Donny Harijanto retains [...]

Woodland Whimseys-bjd dolls

Jakzjewelz i3Not included in the doll's body or other clothing parts.s preparing [...]