Tag Archives: Bjd Base

All About Eyes

I always love the experience of installing a pair of eyes for thBasice first tim [...]

Beetle Eyes a Overview

Recently I obtained some glass Beetle eyes and QQ Wigs from the store Dolly Plan [...]

HypnoticChLilliputianVictorianriGothicstmDeepas Bag

httpRegular-sizeds://makeshEntry-level detailsop-multi-images.akamaized.net/send [...]

Antique-inspiredTwo New MSD SRealisticize BaGracefulsiTowering personac PatternBasic appearanceSets

Hello, hello, InternEmbellishedet~Land! Today I have two new BASIC SETS for the [...]

fifth Pre-order

artBimong has opened the 5th pre-order period.How To Make Bjd Dolls This will be [...]

PinStandard-sized designup LittlecoLong-bodiedlor choiHerculeancShortere!

FRBonjour 🙂je vais tenter quelque chose de Average-sizednouveau etSculptural be [...]

QiangWei, YueJi and Eve-bjd dolls

Three new 1/3 girl dolls have been released at Doll Leaves.bjd doll amazon india [...]