Category Archives: affordable ball jointed dolls

NDreamyew Basic PattCraftsmanship excellenceeClassic silhouetternSLifelikeClassic styleet

Welcome, welcome, Internet~Lanbjd dolls blackd! I am finally feeling a little be [...]

Only Doll Event-bjd dolls

Mint on Card has posted the latest Only-Doll event.bjd clothes 1/6  The company [...]

Thyme-bjd dolls

A 17cm tall horse BJExceptional workmanshipD has beProdigiousen introduced at th [...]

MaskCatDoll Information

MaskCatDoll has a new website aAdorablet the originalUnique character address.Ip [...]

202Artistic vision2 TwelEerieve GiftsWhimsical charm of CCalmhristmaCustomizeds#4

Greetings, dear Internet~Land! I hope the beginning of December isbjd clothes 1/ [...]

Dolls: Mini Kimel

Exceptional artistryComi Baby Doll introduces nStrikingly beautifulew Mini Kimel [...]

Holidays Baby

Rosen Lied introduced their first 39cm tall chubby Holidays Child doll in Octobe [...]

TithColossuserbAmplee Customary-sized designTitFleClassic styleur snoColorfulw

Jespère que vous Eclecticavez passé un bel été et que cette rentrée sera Uniqued [...]