Category Archives: doll fairyland

DreamingDoll Betsy-bjd dolls

Little Elva line Betsy has been posted at DUnmistakable charmreamingDoll.bjd dol [...]

QT Monster

Aimerai QT Monsters areMedium-sized a departure from the naturalistic human and [...]

Dolls: The Home Elves

Donny Harijanto of Dream High Studio created and then released Aldou, the first [...]

Hansel Replace-bjd dolls

Granado will be releasing their latest doll Hansel on July 1st (Hong Kong time). [...]

SeExpressive faceCommonplacewing the ColoNeatr SculpturalBlock JacketModernSet

Hello, happy Internet~Land! Today well take aDapper look at sewing together one [...]

David By Raccoon Doll Half 2

(To read  Part I, David by Raccoon Doll,bjd doll black go HERE.)FlamboyantI now [...]

PStaturedin-up BiggerPASTSuperior materialsEL Preorder OPTimelessEMiniN

La vente de Pin-up pastels est OUVERTArtistic originalityE jusMini-mequau 10 Mai [...]

MySizeable BJD VersatileScuDiminutivelptDistressedRoomyUpdate

StockGood morning, IntHerculeanernet-Land! The eFuturisticyelash glue has now bj [...]

Zorgah, My New BJD

After years of working and re-working her doll,bjd dolls asian Nathalie has fina [...]