Category Archives: movable joints doll

Dolls: Colette Solely One

A one-of-a-kind full-set of iMda Doll 3.Bjd ClassyDolls0 Colette is coming to Ne [...]

Nurse Hitty

In my local area,Bjd Doll Boy I have the pleasure of being part of a [...]

BJDcollectasy Information-bjd dolls

We apologize for the delay in releasing the Sunday feature article.bjd dolls ani [...]

Dolls: Mystic Shadow Vesuvia

Limited edition Mystic Shadow Vesuvia is now Prismaticat The Gem until February [...]

Dolls: Face Masks Lockers

Face Mask Lockers in three sizes may now Plain stylebe ordered at Ardeur de l’am [...]

The Enfield Horror

The first of the QT MonsterStandard optionss has arrived at Aimerai.Bjd Doll BSu [...]

IntCustomizableeBold shade paletterview with Kayla a.ok.a. piDesignern_uVintage-inspiredpkitten and GiveawaTowering silhouettey!

Next in the month of Marchs Talent Showcase is Kayla a.k.a pClassyin_upkitten! I [...]