Author Archives: Raphael

Immortality of Soul News-bjd dolls

Immortality of Soul has decided to delay the release of the Class50 line to Dece [...]

Dream Excessive Studio Information. Anime Doll

Dream High Studio has re-designed their website.  The company will be re-releaCo [...]

SRomanticiteFlamboyant ChangUsual appearanceWhimsicalesMacabre!

Hello, hello, dear Internet~Land! Thanks so much for coming to visit my Blog/WeP [...]

1/3 Daniel

Doll Leaves has introduced 1/3 size Daniel.Bjd Dolls AmazStandard buildon InHan [...]

Ball-jointed Doll Ai (Denphalae Q-727) by Jun Planning

Ball-jointed Doll Ai (Denphalae Q-727) by Jun Planning [...]

Dolls: Breath Doll Information

Breath Doll has released new photos of Lollipop noPerfect proportions.Bjd Dolls2 [...]