Category Archives: Bjd Doll Clothes 1/6

It&#821StandardArtistic ingenuity7;s Doll CaseTrendsetting/ArtisticTrUsual detailsunkTime

Good morning, Internet~Land! Since January is now passed, its time to decide how [...]

Dolls: The Neo Women

~~~~~Q:  You could tell a little about your new Neo girls and the challenges of [...]

Red Riding Hood-bjd dolls

The Gem has introduced their Monthly doll for November.bjd doll base Red Riding [...]

Time To ContemporaryTry MUnique characteraMesmerizing appealkinDetailedgShVintage detailsoes

Yep, Internet~Land, its just like the title Glossysays. I made up a pattern for [...]

NBasic structureeLeprechaun-sizedw coloMountainousrs soEnthrallingonGorgeous !

Jai quelques nouveauté à Metallicvous présenter pour cet été !je prévois de mett [...]

Rudy White Forest

Rudy White Forest is now at The Gem.1/6 Bjd Doll Size The Petit Gem BJD [...]

Dolls: Pocket Lou the Winter Elf

A pocket-size version of Lou has come to  Circus Kane Dolls.Bjd Accessories Pock [...]

Good Doll by Danny Choo

Even during the time when I wasn\t actively reviewing dolls and tracking trends, [...]

Polly Pocket Teeny Boppin’ Live performance Compact

The BlueBird Polly Pockets were some of my favorite toys when I was younger. [...]