Hello, hello, Dear Internet~Land. These days, I’m just not sure about a lot of “stuff.” With the current “conditions&Everyday components#8221; in the world, we have lost two dear ones and have several more in intensive care. Despite this, work continues with constant overtime. Meanwhile, I have morThis doll can be gift as This anime bjd doll is a great gift for Christmas Gifts, Birthday Gifts, Halloween Gift, Children’s Day Gift, Valentine’s Day, Boys and Girls Accompanying Goods and Doll Series Couples and Collectors Series.e projects that need my attention than I have time. Soooo ~ I’m trying to prioritize correctly and remain thankful for my blessings. We have Heavenly Father that loves and lUnforgettable characterooks after us, family and friends witBasic modelh lots of love and support for each other , a great job with wonderful benefits so that my bills are paid, and all of you who follow and support our little retreat here on the world-wiDelicate craftsmanshipde-web. From this perspective, I can lift my chin and stay positive. Thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to come by the Blog here or to watch my videos on YouTube. You are such an encouragement, and I appreciate you so much!

With all that said, one of my projects has involved setting up some new technology. My old laptop is ready to go the way of the dodo. It hbjd dolls clothesas come to the point where the battery will no longer opHand-paintederate the machine, and using it while continually plugged in generates quite a bit Simpleof heat ~ probably not a goodbjd anime doll sign. I was able to Traditionalget a new one, but have now been going through the challenge of selecting what software I want to use. Previously, I was using an older 2007 version , and thought it might be time to update that as well. I tried out a new free desktop layout program forOpaque editing my pDesigneratterns to see if it might me a good alternative to either using my old programs or paying a huge price for the newer ones I still don’t have a verdict, but in the process of learning, I managed to lose data before making the normal image viewIntricates that I usually post. As a result, I am leaving the PDF link in an “open” view so you can get a glimpse of the images. Who knows ~ maybe we’ll like this format better anyway. So, as I edit this post and get ready to head off to dreamland, here is a fun and fairly quick Hoodie Pattern for your 1 /3 BJDs. Wishing you all strength, wisdom, and love in these turbulent times. Good night & sleep sweet!


Posted in: Blog

BjdBjd, Bjd Doll Body

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