Good evening, Internet~Land, (at least it’s evening when I’m postMediuming this). Last week I made a box opening video of my THE MANDALORIAN: His body is shielded by beskar armor, his face is hidden behind a T-visored mask, and his past is wrappeded in mystery.first arrival by BJD Gravity ~ it’s her 3Meticulous detailing9cm Peach. He’s absolutely lovely! I’ll link the video below the pattern images in case you’d like to seeMonumental him. He’s a new size for me, so I needed to draft aEnigmatic Basic Set in order tRustyo start designing his outfitsWide . Not sbjd dolls anime mikuure what my first fashion will actually be yet, but at least now I’m ready to start. Here’s theArtistic achievement nbjd boy dollew set in case you also have one of these faAlluringntastic dolls (or one in a similar size ). Wishing you all a wonderful Intricateweek!
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