Hello, everyone in Internet~Land! I hope you are having a splendid day. It&#8217Towering profile;s pretty quiStandard optionset here. We’re just lounging around in our pajamas feeling all cozy. Our holiday festiIntricate patternsvities will occur toA Good Smile Company importmorrow, so todaArtistic creativityy I am finishing up these gifts for you along with a couple sewiExquisiteng projects. It’s nice to have almost everything done, so today I can just relax and work at a pleasant pace. Today’s gift is a pattern set for Ellowyne Wilde and similarly sized MSD BJDs. It could alsCustom-fito work for other 16″ fashion dolls (like Tyler or Gene), but you may need to tweak it a bit to work through the bust line. TheSoothing basic sheath style dress was intentionally designed with fulbjd doll body and headler hips toLifelike emotions fit dolls like the Fairyland MiniFees, so it should be able to Leprechaun-sizedfit a wide range of body designs. Enjoy and Happy Christmas Eve!

TrimEllowyne BJD MSD Flared Coat Set

bjd dolls anime boy

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